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A Prosperous Life

****You Shall Reap What You Sow****

I have always dreamed about being rich and living happily ever after. The only problem with this is that I had no idea, clue or plan of how to establish it. After bad decisions continuously, I finally convinced myself that the life I was living was God’s plan for me. I managed to believe a prosperous life was good health, a job, a roof over my head was all I needed.

I come to tell you that I was wrong. God desires for us to be the head and not the tails. He designed us to be the lenders and not the borrowers. He wishes for us to prosper and not lack. He affirmed in his word Deuteronomy 8:18, that he gives us the power to get wealth.

We must be willing to do the work it requires to obtain financial success, freedom and wealth. There’s many ways to obtain this, but again you must be ready and willing to put the time and effort in. The problem with many people is that we fail to write down our visions, dreams and goals. We exist daily, going through the hustle and bustle of everyday life with no plan. In order to have a prosperous life, you must adapt the ways of the lion. The lion is relentless, and understands everything in its kingdom depends on him.

You must realize your unborn children, children’s, children depends on you to provide a prosperous life for them. It’s imperative that they don’t start their lives, the way you and your parents did. From this moment on you should begin by renewing your mindset, changing your ways and thought process. Revisit your childhood dreams and visions and then write it down. Set goals for yourself. Then challenge yourself to accomplish everything you set out to do. And before you know it, you’ll be contributing to your community with your gifts and soon Living the life you almost let get away.

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